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Uniting UX and SEO: How to Optimize for Time on Site and Page Speed

Are you having trouble increasing time spent on site? Well, here are some tips for you.

Tip 1 – Create Supplementary Content and Link to it

Creating supplementary content and linking to it is not only a good SEO practice, but also gives the users the possibility to expand their search and stay on the same domain, rather than looking for related information elsewhere.

However, rather than linking from keywords in the body, one should choose to link to supplementary articles that help readers better understand the topic at hand.

Tip 2 – Answer Multiple Queries and Kill Two (or More) Birds with One Stone

If someone wants to know “who the oldest man the world is” one can guess that they also want to know the second oldest, and the third, perhaps all the way up to top 10. A piece of content that provides answers to the main search query, as well as related questions, could be seen as a better result than one simple answer.

The solution here is to think like a searcher and anticipate subsequent searchers and incorporate them into a single piece of content.

Tip 3 – Showcase Related Content

There are situations where you can’t bundle up all available information into one piece of content, and the solution here is creating and linking to related content.

Most e-Commerce sites have also adopted this strategy although the related content is often other products instead of articles and the listings are likely cookie-based and personalized.

How to Improve Page Speed and also Tackle Bounce Rate

First of all, what is bounce rate? Bounce rate is a standalone metric in Google Analytics, it shows the percentage of visitors who leave the website after visiting a single page. However, leaving a website after a single page visit is not always a bad thing: some pages give instant answers to queries, therefore having a high bounce rate. Thus, one shouldn’t make strategic SEO decisions based on bounce rate without a fair amount of contextual information.

In 2010, Google announced that page speed is a ranking factor, and there have been several ranking correlation studies from Moz and others that indicate this to be the case. Additionally, in March this of this year Google’s Gary Illyes stated that page loading speed will be a ranking factor in a mobile-first world.

While we are still waiting for a mobile-first index to happen, it is fair to say that a website that loads quickly is good for both SEO and UX.

Here are some aspects that will help your website perform faster:

  1. Using a Content Delivery Network
  2. Using a Good Hosting Provider
  3. Compressing Images
  4. Leverage Browser Caching
  5. Minify Resources


Thus, user experience and SEO go hand-in-hand, and it seems like optimizing websites to satisfy users can lead to higher rankings. Admittedly, UX is a broad subject, and the above tips only cover a small part of it.